All Photographs Copyright Marcia Glover 2010.
May 18, 2020
My image Escalante was selected for PhotoPlace Gallery’s recent Trees exhibition. The town of Esaclante is a small village, overshadowed by nearby Bryce Canyon. We stopped to walk down the main street. On a corner stood a home with trees leaning against a weathered fence. It was so quiet, a peacefulness that can stay with you, which I seem to be looking for to experience a moment of restful silence.
Juror's Statement
“In this exhibit we honor trees in all their states: majestic specimens or struggling seedlings, in summer plumage or winter austerity, grown in nature or nurtured by man. Where do you find inspiration in trees? What is it about trees that moves you? All capture methods and processes are welcome.”
"Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind."
March 18, 2018
I am a causal reader of my horoscope. I can go weeks and not check it. Then I come across one, strangely connected to what is currently going on in life.
Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology are thoughtful and not what I expected from an astrologist. Nothing about meeting one’s truelove, or it’s will be a good week for starting a business. Rob's weekly take on an astrological sign can be a helpful reminder that there is usually another way of looking at what is going on, that you hadn't considered. When I came across this recent one for Aquarius there was a moment of recognition:
AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18): "Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods" was the advice I saw on a woman's T-shirt today. It's the best possible advice for you to hear right now. To further drive home the point, I'll add a quote from productivity consultant David Allen: "Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind." Are you willing to be loyal and true to your high standards, Aquarius, even as you improvise to uphold and fulfill them?
“Art is not so much a matter of methods and processes as it is an affair of temperament, of taste and of sentiment.”
Feb 23, 2018
In the hands of the artist, the photograph becomes a work of art... photography is what the photographer makes it - an art or a trade." Naomi Rosenblum- A World History of Photography
Looking at some of my recent images, I realized I have been conjuring a form of Pictorialism that dominated photography from about 1885 to 1915, and which helped advance the status of photography as a “true art form”.
Pictorialism refers to a style or approach of manipulating a straightforward photograph which allows for a distinctly personal expression. The image can show marks and manipulations on its surface. For the pictorialist, "a photograph, like a painting, drawing or engraving, is a way of projecting an emotional intent into the viewer's realm of imagination." Patrick Daum - Impressionist Camera: Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918
I've started to manipulate photographs because I love to draw and paint. There are some images that clearly show my interest in mark making and charcoal drawing. Working digital allows me to maintain an unbroken workflow which is grounded in experimentation and responds to what I see and feel. This is a similar experience that happens when I draw. Everything else slips away and there is a direct responding to what is in front of you.
PCNW Presents
Work from my series 'Small Towns & County Fairs" is showing at Photo Center NW through Dec 17th. Wonderful opportunity and delighted that images from this series were selected for PCNW Presents.
The artist selection was juried by PCNW Director Michelle Dunn Marsh. PCNW Presents was created because:
"Photographers have expressed a need for guidance in the art market; galleries deserve greater support for the on-the-job education they provide artists new to this realm. PCNW has selected ten photographers—emerging, mid-career, and master—who do not have gallery representation in the Northwest to be a part of PCNW PRESENTS for a fixed period of time. A selection of their works will be on view, and for sale, in our alcove exhibition space and online. Private studio visits, as well as conversations, lectures, and panels in our public programs will engage PCNW PRESENTS artists and issues."
On the way from Seattle to Walla Walla we stopped in Tieton. A small town, a very small town, nestled in western Washington's big apple growing country. Tieton has had its moments. Right now it is a quiet rural town home to farmers and farmhands but things are happening. Mighty Tieton has turned an old apple warehouse into a gallery space, there is Paper Hammer Press and Tieton Cider Works. I liked the quiet. Not a fussy, pretentious place, not a lot of clutter just a lot of space.
My image 'Tieton' was selected for The Center For Fine Art Photography's juried 2016 show, Simply.